This enlightening article was written by club member Julz, and originally appeared in the November 2024 edition of Jaguar Torque.

All this excitement about turning fifty has me thinking about the club’s grille badges. I wrote an article about them for the 40th anniversary and I thought it was time for a revisit.

There have been a few designs over the years and my favourite is the original because I think it’s tip-top! I have seen them chromed and some bronze, and I have also seen the original moulds. Where they are now I’m not sure. The numbers stamped on the back were the member’s number.

The design to replace the original was smaller to suit the later model cars. Again, a rare piece nowadays, with the gold leaper on a black background with a clear resin coating. These badges did not wear well, with some losing the resin and the black, leaving a gold badge.

Next up is the green, white and gold badge. A completely different design using the map of Tasmania, but with a flaw in the white fill. It lifts and is sometimes lost, as is the case with mine. The current badge is much improved in quality and seems to wear well with its pretty colours of red, blue, green and gold.

There were different collectable items available over the years for National Rallies in Tasmania, like key rings, grille badges, decals and cloth badges.

Another blast from the past is these wonderful brass growlers used on the early trophies from the mould of an XJ wheel
centre cap. I’m sure these gems are plentiful in the trophy cabinets of some lucky members.








 – Julz
